December 12, 2006

Happy Feet

I do NOT understand the popularity of this movie! Through the first half of the movie, the cute penguin characters and their cute singing and cute dancing just barely hold your interest enough to overlook the cliches in the storybook world of this penguin society. I lost count of how many times I rolled my eyes.

In the second half of the movie, the plot spins wildly out of control. A penguin is released from a zoo because he can dance? Humans track this penguin all the way back to Antarctica? The penguin society that cast out the dancing penguin as a doomsday harbinger experiences an instantaneous conversion upon his return? Humans somehow recognize from this behaviour that our fishing industry has negatively impacted the food supply of this penguin group? Governments debate - then AGREE - to halt these practices and save the penguins?

What this movie can teach you:
1) If you are "different" from others and your dad seems to deny or suppress your difference, tries to make you the same as everyone else, then casts you off entirely for not being able to be the "same" - take heart! It's not you - it's him. He's just harbouring a secret guilt for accidentally dropping you on your head when you were young.
2) If you are "different", and people hate you because of it, don't bother trying to win friends by pretending to be the "same." They'll only hate you more.
3) There is nothing more dangerous to society (and family) than the "wise elder." Except, maybe, a group of wise elders.
4) If powerful beings, who are used to putting your kind into cages for amusement, are ignorantly destroying your habitat or food supply, then dance! They'll get it! You - yes, you! - can change the world and save your species simply by being cute enough!
5) Humans are evil, selfish and ignorant. We take possession and control of anything we want. We leave our garbage all over the place. We think it's ok to pen up other species so we can parade past them and amuse ourselves with their differences. We are, however, quite vulnerable to anything "cute." We care about "cute" things, but not enough to actually respect them.
6) Even in societies where women bring home the bacon, men still call the shots.

And what was up with those curvy hour-glass figures on the female penguins? Must even PENGUIN women have large breasts and small butts?

- Jodi

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