October 6, 2007

Knocked Up

Once again, I fell victim to the popular hype around a comedy that I should have known was not for me. This film belongs in the SNL-character-based, Ben Stiller-like comedy that I never enjoy - an insubstantial story populated by shallow characters, inane dialogue and gags based primarily on bongs, bodily functions and sexual dysfunction. The relationship - if one can call it that - between the leads has zero chemistry and makes absolutely no sense. It never becomes clear why she is living with her sister, how he supports either his rent or his drug habit, or what they see in each other (okay - he sees blond hair and big boobs).

Through the entire movie, I don't think I laughed once, and desperately wanted to shut it off after 40 minutes. I know that many people liked and enjoyed this movie - I'm just not one of them.