February 27, 2014

Oscar picks for 2013


I find the critics' fawning adulation of "The Wolf of Wall Street" utterly baffling. I did not see any of the moral take on the price of hedonism, and I can remember no instance of "velvet glove subtlety" anywhere in the film. Rather it was a overlong and poorly done attempt at quasi-docudrama-satire that ultimately felt like a prequel to "The Hangover", but without any of the comedy or good looking men. 

I'm reminded of my similar bewilderment a few years ago, when "everyone" thought that "Mystic River" was the greatest movie of the year - another one that mystified me, as I found that movie plodding and obvious, with ridiculous caricatures and characters and dialogue. I remain convinced that Marcia Gay Harden won the supporting actor Oscar primarily because her character in the film was the only one that made any sense.

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